Main colors
These main colours create the basic visual character of the brand.
Forest | |
HEX | #0f6148 |
RGB | value |
CMYK | N/A |
Pantone C | 343 C |
Pantone U | N/A |
RAL | N/A |
Black | |
HEX | #171717 |
RGB | value |
CMYK | 0-0-0-100 |
Pantone C | Process Black C |
Pantone U | Process Black U |
RAL | 9005 |
White | |
HEX | #ffffff |
RGB | value |
CMYK | N/A |
Pantone C | N/A |
Pantone U | N/A |
RAL | N/A |
Secondary colors
Colours used in the application environment (UI - User Interface) and on the web.
Lime |
#9be887 |
value |
Color Modes
Color modes determine the color scheme we choose for the logo to display correctly on screens and in print.
Color Mode | What is it? | Usage |
HEX | RGB Equivalent (hexadecimal) | WEBHTMLCSS |
RGB | Color Space of Screens RGB | WEBHTMLCSS |
Color Space for Printers CMYK |
Pantone |
Direct Mixed Colors Pantone for printing | PRINT |
Color Mode Selection
Suitable Color Mode for Logo: | RGB logo |
CMYK logo |
Pantone logo |
Logo will be on screen (web, mobile, presentation…) | |||
Logo will be in print (business card, flyer…) |